Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A busy life is a happy life

~ Isak Dinesen

I haven't been a very good bloggy friend lately. I haven't been keeping up with my postings and I haven't been very diligent about reading the posts of others (except for the select few that I am compelled to keep up with even if it means burning the midnight oil to do so, and even then I've been bad about commenting).

As is always the case when I inadvertently turn my back on the world, I have been out lovingly enjoying my children. I am exhausted. Sadly, I am looking forward to a weekend continuing the war with keeping a clean house (and I will win this battle. Oh yes, I will).

Here are a few little updates from our wild last few weeks:

Bug was excited to enjoy a ride on Thomas the Tank engine with Lydia, Calvin, & "Grandma" Barb. He loved using Lydia as an excuse to ride, as "he's too old to really like Thomas," you know.

Bug roped his Dad into taking him to JAKES Day, where he got the opportunity to try his hand at archery for the 2nd time. He is proud to tell anyone that will listen that he can hit mostly in the red, which is "almost a bulls eye".

Bug is earning his way towards his own archery set selling popcorn for Cub Scouts (watch out SIS!). If you are interested in helping him, you can click here:


I got the opportunity to spend one more enjoyable afternoon at Ledges with Sis and Ricky before the weather took a turn towards winter. Here Ricky is threatening to dump Sis in the creek for being sassy.

Ah... young love.

We were about a third of the way through the park when Sis thought she caught her ankle in a small branch. She looked down to see this, and immediately kicked it right toward my head. It missed me by inches and it took us a minute to figure out what she was shrieking about.

The baby bull snake landed unscathed but a little irate. Luckily there were no signs of his mama close by or I think we would have had to carry Sis the rest of the way.

I don't think she quite believed us that the snake wasn't out to harm her.

It was a beautiful day and we will all miss strolling through Ledges barefoot. I hope spring gets here soon.

Now that Sis is done with softball it's time for Bug to play soccer.

It is strange to see him so aggressive on the field, a big change from his usual demeanor. I'm thrilled he has found a sport he enjoys. Even if it means mom wearing two sweatshirts just to watch!

I took one day off work last week to help chaperon his Cub Scout Den on a trip to the zoo. It's amazing how much energy 8 boys can have when they're this excited about something.

Bug got to impress the boys with his tale about picking up a jellyfish at Virginia Beach this summer.

One of the few times we managed to gather all the boys in one spot.

Bug got himself in a little bit of trouble with me for tormenting this swan. He didn't learn his lesson until she nipped him. Boys will be boys.

They slowed down and gathered themselves together again to watch the seals perform their tricks.

Chance, Bug, & Blake. These boys seem to be pretty inseparable this year.

We even managed to squeeze a school dance into our busy schedule. Sis and Ricky attended with their good friends Mallary and Patrick. Everyone gathered at our house for pictures before the big event.
Sis's pretty wrist corsage. Unfortunately all the flowers wilted to the point we won't be pressing these.

Sis and Ricky looking so grown up.

Of course, I made her pose for a picture with me.
They can't be all grown up all the time, now can they?

It's been a busy few weeks, but very enjoyable with our vast difference in activities. I am insanely considering an offer to take over the position of Pack Chair for Cub Scouts. I don't know, do you think I could find the time?

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