50 Questions

 As part of my 101 things to do in 1001 days I will be taking my time to answer these questions thoughtfully.  I will not be answering them in order or all at once so check back here occasionally for my updated answers.

50 Questions that will free your mind

These questions have no right or wrong answers.
Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer.
  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

          I think that depends on the day.  Most days I feel like I'm either 20 or 80.  Most of the time I feel younger, so let's go with 20.
  2. Which is worse, failing or never trying?

         Never trying.  You might fail but at least you can say you tried.  Why sit back and let life pass you by?  I prefer to think of life as made up of experiences.  how can you experience if you don't try?

  3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

             To please other people and "fit" into society
  4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

              Probably not since I have a tendency to not say the things I should.
  5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
               Right at this moment I'd have to say an increase in honesty & transparency.  I'm tired of having to guess what is going on with people.
  6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

               Following my creativity and adventurousness.  Variety by the day.
  7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

               Career wise I'm settling.  Relationship wise I'm working towards what I believe in.  And in everyday life I am constantly fighting for what I believe in.
  8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

               Screw financial stability, I would be traveling the world.
  9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?

                  Until 2 years ago I didn't feel like I could control the course of my life at all.  Now slowly each day I am gaining that control back and am happier than I have ever been.

  10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

                  I suppose that depends on the situation, I prefer to do things right, but know that isn't always the right thing to do.
  11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?

                    I am usually known to start pointing out the good qualities that I see in that friend and jump to their defense.

  12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

                     Don't ever doubt your worth

  13. Would you break the law to save a loved one?

                     To a point I definitely would if it was my only option.
  14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

                     Usually it is the other way around, I notice creativity way before insanity.

  15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

                    I have often been told that my thought process is different than most people.
  16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

                       Because the things that make me happy aren't the things that most other people think of when they think happy.
  17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back?

            Learn how to scuba dive.  Opportunity and money are the only things holding me back.  Someday it will happen.

  18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

           Always.  That's part of having an anxiety disorder.
  19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

             Somewhere warm so I can wear shorts year round and not be cold all the time.
  20. Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

             No, but I always push the door close button after I push the floor number.  Those doors stay open way too long & waste valuable time!
  21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

         I worry too much as it is.  Given the choice I would rather be a joyful simpleton and enjoy life without worries or cares.

  22. Why are you, you?

             If I understood that I would have the answer to most of my life questions.
  23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

             Mostly, but not always, I have a tendency to get too wrapped up in my thoughts & life and forget to look up to see what my friends are up to sometimes.
  24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

            Losing touch with a good friend who lives near you.  Thanks to facebook you can always track down the friend that moved away.
  25. What are you most grateful for?

             My children.  Everyday I become more and more grateful for the amazing gift they are.
  26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

               Never be able to make new ones.  My old memories are great, but I have faith that even better ones are yet to come!
  27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

              Some things are just sadly that obvious.  Sometimes the only reason we need to challenge is to convince ourselves of what we already know.
  28. Has your greatest fear ever come true?

             Suffering from an anxiety order a ton of my fears have come true over the course of my life.  Thankfully my greatest fear never has!
  29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now?

               It doesn't matter the same way it did then, but yes it still does matter because it taught me a lot about trusting my instincts.
  30. What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special?

              My dad and I took his boat down the Skunk river fishing one day when I was about 7 or 8.  It was the only day that I can recall ever having my dad to my self for an entire day.
  31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

                 Sunday, November 28th, 2010 at about 2:00 am while on a life altering road trip
  32. If not now, then when?

                 I always said when I was 67, but truthfully I think the time is now
  33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

                  my complete faith in true love and mankind
  34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?

                YES!!!! I've had that type of connection with one person for most of my life & hope to never lose it.
  35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

                 2 reasons.  One, they don't universally agree what love is and two, they are all arrogant enough to believe that only their way is the right path.
  36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

                Not at all.  If the whole world and every decision was black and white then we wouldn't have anything to learn in this life.

  37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?

         Not necessarily, a million dollars really doesn't go that far anymore.  I would probably cut down to part-time to allow myself more time with my children and time for more of the activities that bring me joy but still have some sort of income coming in and to keep me grounded in reality.

  38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

         By today's standards the work that I enjoy doing (raising & playing with my children, writing, working on the house, volunteer work) is considered more extra curicular type activities than actual work.  Would I be happy not having to work 40 hours a week at a "real" job and devote my time to what I enjoy doing?  Absolutely!!

  39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

             No, the events of this day are different, however the moods are the same.
  40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

                May 17, 2010, I sent an email spilling my feelings and thoughts.  Upon further reflection I was inticed only by the illusion of a soft glow.

  41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

                 Both of my children, my boyfriend, and my aunt

  42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?

         Not at all.  I am attractive and popular enough to the people that I adore in this world and that is good enough for me.  I would rather have that extra ten years to spend with them and enjoy life.

  43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

               Being simply alive you only function without true feeling.  By truly living you experience every moment with every feeling involved.
  44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?

         Right now I'm actually doing that.  It is making me unpopular with someone that I love very deeply, but it is in their best interest in the long run.  I have been known to paralyze myself into inaction by calculating risk and rewards, so my current philosophy is to trust my instincts and initial logic instead of trying to appease everyone.  Kind and nice isn't always right I am learning.

  45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

              Because our hearts and pride can always be broken even more
  46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

              Sell everything and live life by the moment and whim
  47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

              That's getting a little personal isn't it?  Other than the triathlon this summer I would have to say on a porch outside of Colfax a few weeks ago as a flood of bottled up emotion finally let loose.
  48. What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?

              I love people not things.  I love my children, I have expressed my love to them every day in a multitude of ways. I have also taken the risk (after much prodding) and expressed my inner most feelings to someone very recently and that has taken our relationship to a much deeper level.
  49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that?

            In 5 years I will remember what I did a week and a half ago and I will remember what I did a week ago.  I will not remember exactly I did in the last few days however.
  50. Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

           I would like to think that I am making them either myself or in cooperation with others and not letting others make my decisions