Monday, June 28, 2010

Still Life

From time to time my muse gives me an inspiration that is totally out of character for me. In an email earlier today a friend referred to my submissions this week as dark humor. That seems to be the best description of my photo for Still Life this week.

I won't deny that I found some humor in the thoughts of Lydia Deetz flitting through my head as I worked my way around the cemetery. Perhaps it was the contrast of her dark Gothic look to my cheerful blond, or maybe it was just too much sun and heat. I actually took a large number of shots in two graveyards that turned out quite nicely in a dark sort of way. Look for a few of those to be posted later this week.

The poem at Impassioned Versifier this week is not so humorous, but is a result of spending an entire evening editing the above mentioned photo collection.

Photography139 has posted this week's Random Photo Challenge submissions, so be sure to stop over for a peek.


  1. I'm drawn to old cemetarys. All the old stones. When photographed in black and white, the photo is timeless.
    And serene.

    Thanks for sharing it!

  2. I think you will enjoy the photos that I have for later this week then Nancy! One of the cemeteries I visited was so old that the stones had long been knocked to the ground and grown over.
