Were you beginning to wonder if there was going to be a blog post this week, Dear Readers? Well, truthfully, it just about didn't happen. I took the opportunity to join a very old and dear friend (on very short notice) on a weekend road trip. Fitting to this week's Challenge theme I discovered a lot of things about myself thanks to my wonderful companion forcing me to confront myself.
This is one of the few pictures taken during our adventure. We had just finished a great Thanksgiving meal of smoked turkey and mashed potatoes.
This is one of the few pictures taken during our adventure. We had just finished a great Thanksgiving meal of smoked turkey and mashed potatoes.
I helped a friend celebrate his birthday shortly after I returned from our jaunt across Iowa. That didn't leave me much time to follow through with my thoughts on this week's Random Photo Challenge theme of Discover. There are much better interpretations over at Photography139. Unfortunately, I haven't taken the time to finish my composition for Impassioned Versifier this week.
We are currently dealing with some medical issues with Sis which means my blogging may be spotty over the next few weeks. Don't lose faith friends, I will be back on here as soon as I can!