On June 27th, just days before Dad passed away, Anthony thought I needed something to pick my mood up. We had been talking about adding a new furbaby to our household for several weeks so it was no real surprise but still a huge joy when he brought me home a 5 week old Siamese-mix kitten.
At that time I was reading The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton. I decided to give the young kitten the same name as the lead character, Lily. Oddly prophetic? You decide.
Lily snuggled right in to our little household. She spent her days cuddling with Sam on the couch and her nights curled up in the towels I had folded up in a box for her bed. Except for that very last night.
I'm not sure if it was because she just wanted to be close to me, perhaps she could sense my sadness at Dad passing away just a day & a half before. Or possibly she wasn't feeling well herself and wanted my warmth and comfort. We will never know why Lily climbed under the covers in the middle of the night, if that was her undoing or if she knew her time was already approaching. I woke up on the morning of Lily's 5th day with us to find her dead beside me.
The week between Dad's passing and his funeral became even more difficult for me. Thank you little Lily for the joy you did bring me during those hard days after I put Dad into Hospice. R.I.P.