Monday, April 13, 2009

Resurrection, Amen

Yesterday the Sr. High Youth Group was in charge of the sunrise service at our church. Sis was to give the Prayer of Dedication. It was supposed to go something like this:

Thank you, God, for resurrection. We rejoice in Christ as the world, so we would offer ourselves. May we along with our gifts, testify to good news of your forgiving love and empowering acceptance. Amen

On Friday she expressed concern to me that she was having a difficult time memorizing the prayer.* She really hoped that she would be able to take her copy up with her otherwise her prayer would end up as the two words she could remember, "Resurrection, Amen".

Isn't it funny how two words by themselves, two words that we hear in prayer and sermon so much at this time of year, can have an amazing impact on your thoughts and soul when put together. Maybe it shows us that we understand the enormity of those two words together; everything that God did for us when he let His son die on that cross and then brought him back to prove to us that He is our one and only true God.

What amazing power and gratitude in that simple two-word prayer. And so I say, Resurrection, Amen!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday full of friends, family, food, and reflection!

* Sis was able to take her notes up with her, but barely needed them. She recited the prayer beautifully :)

1 comment:

  1. A lovely prayer, the two words. :-) If we understand resurrection we are Christians. I hope you had a fine Easter too. :-)
