Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Typical Boy

I am amazingly far behind on blogging. I'm not sure if all of our summer adventures are going to make it up here. Between a very hectic schedule, school starting, and the fact that my laptop was down for almost two weeks, I just haven't had the opportunity to share the fun that we've been having.
And now that I'm back online, the first thing that I get to share with you is not fun or happy.

Bug has proven once again that he's a typical accident prone 8 year old.

Yesterday Sis and Ricky decided to take him to the park to play with Ricky's brother. The boys decided that they wanted to take their skateboards and try out the skate park. That was the part that I thought I should be nervous about, but I was wrong. Bug could have gotten hurt anywhere. He didn't even get hurt while skateboarding. He tripped as he was running around on the grass outside of the cement ramps. He fell and landed on his right hand.

The older kids rushed him home convinced he would need to go to the hospital. I probed at it, gave him some ice and Motrin, and sent pictures to a couple nurse friends of mine. They both agreed that he could very well have a broken finger or two. They also both agreed that a trip to the ER would just be a waste of money. The ER doctors would just suggest the same form of treatment plus a splint until his regular Dr could see him on Monday.

So we decided to avoid our second ER visit of the year and keep him comfortable until Monday. We purchased a finger splint (which he thinks is amazingly cool), ice it down several times a day, and give him pain reliever as needed.

One of the pictures sent to my nurse friends. The fingers in question are his ring finger & pinky with the ring finger most likely broken.

A second picture sent to them showing the swelling and curvature in question.

Taken today, now I'm starting to question if the pinky is broken too.

Notice the swelling between the 2nd & 3rd joints on his ring finger and discoloration at the 2nd joint. I', pretty sure the Doc will x-ray this one.

This is his left hand, just for comparison sake. Notice the gash on his ring finger here? Another typical boy incident playing with a sled on concrete... don't ask LOL.

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