We continued our haunted happenings throughout the week. On Tuesday night we carved pumpkins.
On Thursday night we went up town to the local merchant's Trick-or-Treat with a Cop. We love to attend this function every year. It is really a neat idea. As a fundraiser for December's Shop with a Cop charity function (where low income kids get to shop for presents to give) the local merchants block off 3 blocks uptown and open their doors to trick or treaters. We get to see a lot of familiar faces and mom benefits too by getting a few discount coupons & the opportunity to window shop.
After our excursion uptown I dropped Bug off at his school for the 3rd grade Fall Fun Festival. Unfortunately this year I was deemed uncool by him and not allowed to attend. It's both sad and happy to watch my little boy assert his independence. He had a lot of fun with his friends under the supervision of the school staff. The kids got to play Halloween Bingo, balloon volleyball, and musical chairs. Normally the school has a marshmallow roast too, but it was raining off and on that night. During this time Sis and Ricky were uptown volunteering at a haunted house with Sis's dad. One of his friends was putting on the house in his store as a fundraiser. The kids had a lot of fun working there and Sis may even have a couple new babysitting jobs because of it.
On Friday night, while Sis and Ricky worked the haunted house again, Bug and I ventured up to the YMCA for their Halloween Under the Big Top event. We enjoyed hot dogs, chips, and popcorn while playing various carnival type games. Bug won a cupcake at the cake walk, had his fortune read, and played games such as the bean bag toss and knock down the cans. I had an amusing time watching an old friend try to keep his 3 year old from saying Captain America, which unfortunately always comes out 'Cap'n Nigga'. Bug and I came back home to enjoy take out while watching Halloween movies.
And Saturday was Halloween....
I was hoping to get to go to a haunted house or forest this year, but my Halloween night plans fell through. I see that Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, maybe that will be incentive for me to finally clean the garage and basement and have that Halloween party for the little ones like I've wanted to for the last several years.
Too bad your little one wasn't feeling well. Poor thing looked like she was already in costume while the rest were carving pumpkins. I love the tombstones. We did that too when my guys were young enough to want to set them up each year. One of the best times was when we had a party - my sons were 12 and 9 at the time, and each invited a few friends. I sure miss those days. Enjoy them while they last - they're so fleeting but make lasting memories. Much like Halloween candy makes lasting large hip. ;)