Monday, November 30, 2009

A Thanksgiving Lesson in Perspective

I have a few friends (mostly male?) that complained this year that they had nothing to be thankful for in this season of Thanks-giving. One had lost his job, one thought his girlfriend was considering leaving, and the one lone female had just wrecked her car. Being the friend that I always am, I made room on my shoulder, and tried to talk each of them up again.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Nothing is required of you except presenting yourself and a little help in the kitchen. It is a time to reflect on the joys in our lives and give thanks to the one that made those joys possible.

It's also about perspective.

I could easily say that I don't have a lot to be thankful for.... money is tight, I never have enough time in my day to fully appreciate & spend the amount of time I want to with my children, I don't have a special someone at the end of each day, I've reached a point where I get more bills than junk mail. The list could go on and on.

That's not how I see my life though.

While I may vent occasionally about something that makes me unhappy, irate, or upset, for the most part I know that it's the little joys that make life so much brighter. And I know who I have to thank for them.

Those are His little reminders to me not to be bitter or sad about the trials in my life. Each joy is a reminder to me to change my perspective and be thankful for all the things we try to take for granted.

Here are a few snapshots from my Thanksgiving up at the lake:

Doesn't Sophie look so regal here? She's not a very nice kitty, but I am thankful that my Auntie & Uncle have her love & devotion, and Pepe's too. I"m also in a funny way thankful for the laugh she gives me every time she stalks or attacks me for paying attention to her.
Of course I'm always thankful for a delicious Thanksgiving meal.
I am thankful that at 92 my Grandma is still in her own apartment (I am also extremely thankful to Auntie for her patience!)

I am thankful for having an Aunt that I can share a bottle of wine with.

I am thankful for having family to share the holiday with.

I am also thankful for a strong cup of coffee & sunshine the next morning!

I am thankful that I have 2 great kids that get along so well.

I am thankful that I am able to share the beauty of the lake that was so important t my childhood with my children.

I am thankful for the rare treat of being able to just sit back with nothing pressing to do.

I am thankful for random bits of silliness.

I am thankful for nature's beauty

I am thankful for it all.


  1. Thank you for this post. A beautiful reminder of the things to be truly grateful for. You are so lucky to have a lake in your well as kids and what looks like a great family.

  2. Is the new picture at the top of your blog from the lake?

  3. Thanks Jay! I hope you & Bailey had a wonderful Thanksgiving too :)

    Yes, it is Chris! The welcome sign resides year round on the deck railing. I was rather surprised at how well the picture turned out & thought it would make a perfect header.
