Monday, February 8, 2010


This week's Random Photo Challenge was "Frame". Framing is a technique where the photographer frames one object with another. I had no problem coming up with my subjects or the frame as I have long wanted a picture of the kids framed by our entertainment center doors. The biggest issue I had was the glare on the glass from the placement of the entertainment center and the unmovable lighting in my house.

The kids seemed to have fun posing for me at first but as I struggled to overcome the lighting issue the started to lose interest. Still, I think we came up with a few good shots.

This was my favorite and the one that I entered as my submission.

Below are a few of the photos that we considered.

I started on the poem early in the week because I had a feeling it would be somewhat challenging. I was pleasantly surprised when it felt finished after two evenings of working on it.

How did I incorporate the word frame into a poem you may ask? I didn't just use the word, I built the entire poem around the subject. Some of you know that Psychology has long been an interest of mine and I have often considered returning to school to formally study it. There so happens to be an accepted social concept in the science called framing.

The simplest definition I could find comes from Wikipedia:

"A frame in social theory consists of a schema of interpretation — that is, a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes—that individuals rely on to understand and respond to events. In simpler terms, a person has, through his lifetime, built a series of mental emotional filters. They use these filters to make sense of the world. The choices they then make are influenced by their frame or emotional filters."

I had fun creating a poem explaining the definition and how it relates to the individual.

You can read the poem over at my poetry blog, Impassioned Versifier. Photography139 is in the process of moving his blog over to Wordpress, so please note the new link when you follow this link to view this week's photography submissions.

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