Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 6 - Ho Humm

Read this as if it was written last Thursday.
The plan was to hit the beach today. That plan didn't follow through too well. We awoke this morning to heavy low rain clouds hovering like a bad omen. Thunderstorms were forecast for the entire afternoon.

It was at this point that our plan adapted to the weather.
There didn't seem to be much point in fighting traffic just to be rained out and forced home again. So instead Cousin Tony, Uncle Russ, Sis, & I decided to have a little shopping spree. We needed to hit the grocery store anyway.

Sis and I had been talking for quite awhile about how neither of us had workable bikes. We decided that the beautiful Virginia trails were prime inspiration for bike shopping. We selected these two beauties.

Debra's proud purchase only in red.
my purple peddler.

I treated everyone to my favorite to cook, lime chicken & fettuccine, with side salad and homemade garlic bread. It was hard to find room for the Snicker salad that Sis and Ashley made for desert.

It was getting a little too dark after dinner to hit the wooded trails. Tony and I still wanted to feel the wind in our hair though, so we took off on a short ride racing through the neighborhood. I should have thought ahead and changed my shoes as I was losing a flip flop every two or three blocks. I was giggling too hard to catch my breath about my wayward footwear when we finally pulled back into the drive.

The downside of today is that I seem to be having an issue with the new camera I bought in Oskaloosa last weekend. It seems to be getting stuck in video mode when I want to take pictures and occasionally remaining on when I have turned it off. I really hope I don't have to try to return it out here.

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