Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A New Adventure

It's almost Independence Day! I am so looking forward to a fun weekend kicking it back at the lake with my Aunt, sans kids! We are toying with the possibility of catching a concert before the fireworks Saturday night. It would be the highlight of my get away if we did as I think the opening singer, Bonne Finken, is phenomenal. And, well, you can't really go wrong with the Nadas either, can you?

I am hoping that this little get away will help me clear my head. I've been mulling over some pretty heavy thoughts lately. specifically, what do I want to do with my life before I lose my youth? You see, I've always been one of those people that accepts what life hands me. Although I was quite a risk taker in school, I have kept my adventures pretty low key since having my children. Life hands you kids and you are bound to be responsible and set good examples. And I have enjoyed that responsibility very much.

Recently I started following the blog of Roz Savage. She is an amazing British woman that is rowing solo across the Pacific. A very inspiring woman, if you ask me. Don't worry, I realize I'm not in a position where I can give up everything to trek across the world. I'm not really sure I would have the guts or ambition to either. Since I started following Roz's blog I've also had many discussions with several friends that are going through life limiting issues. One friend has a herniated disc in his back, another had surgery that will probably result with her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, and yet another friend has been dealing with MS for many years now (and she has an amazing attitude about it). Combine all those factors with the realization that my mother more than likely had cancer at my age (she passed shortly after turning 40).

All these factors together cause this little voice inside me to start screaming... I'm not done living yet!! Heck, I've hardly begun!!

As a result, I've started compiling a little list of the top ten adventures that I dream about. My bucket list, of sorts, if you will. I thought over the next few weeks I might share some, or even all, of my list with you. As long as you don't hold me to accomplishing all of them or you help inspire me to achieve some of them if you can.

And I'm curious... what are the adventures you dream about the most?

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