Monday, April 26, 2010

Rule of Thirds

This week's photo challenge theme was Rule of Thirds. Photography139 put up this definition from Wikipedia, so I'm going to borrow it to as it seems the simplest definition:

"The rule of thirds is a compositional rule of thumb in visual arts such as painting, photography and design. The rule states that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections."

Sounds simple, right? Thankfully it was, as I blew off trying to find a good shot all week.

This is the photo that I submitted for the challenge. Can you tell I took it in a hurry this morning when I realized that I had a poem for this week but not a photo?

Last week was a busy week, but that's really not an excuse since I had my camera with me quite often. I just didn't happen to shoot anything that fell into that particular category. I really didn't shoot anything worth posting, except:

Bug had his first soccer game of the season last Monday.

Sis had her first softball game too, but that happened to be the one time I didn't have my camera floating around in my purse. There will be plenty of chances for me to get shots of her in full catching gear with her two games per week compared to Bug's one.

With the start of our busy ball season the house repairs haven't been moving along quite as fast as before. I still have motivation though and hope to have some new before and after photos up soon. Today was a rare lazy day for me, which pretty much only consisted of 4 loads of laundry, making supper, and making our summer vacation reservations.

Yep, you read that right! The kids and I now have a cabin booked for a full week just minutes outside of Yellowstone. I think I am more excited than the kids at this point. My next few weeks will be spent planning our itinerary and making list of items to pack (including camera batteries!).

As usual, you can find this week's poem over at Impassioned Versifier. Photography139 is enjoying a vacation of his own this week, but you should find the photo challenge submissions posted later in the week.

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