Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Randomness of Life

It has been another busy week in our Random household. The last 7 days have been full of meetings, friends, sick kids, a concert, decisions, laughter, and tears. To say that I am exhausted and in need of a vacation is an understatement. But I must trudge on. I will get a little rest tonight before more meetings tomorrow night, attending a community play with Bug on Friday, and connecting with more friends on Saturday. At least the weekend looks like it will be very enjoyable.

So here's a brief recap of my last week:

- I determined a need to distance myself from a very close friend due to his life decisions. While I won't turn my back totally on him, it's definitely a time for us to take separate roads.

- I got the chance to hang out with a bunch of old friends who unknowingly renewed my faith in the males of our species and reminded me that it's okay to be the old me again.

- Tended to a sick kid as Bug got sent home from school Monday morning. Mommy guilt kicked in when I had to return to work, but thankfully I was able to get off early and skipped my church meeting to cuddle him.

- Said adios to J from my Baggage blog. Seems there were a few reasons for my apprehension. I am quite all right with it. The quest continues.

- Laughed so hard with a friend that I inhaled my gum & almost choked. Ah, it is so great to have girl friends that know how to tickle your funny bone.

- Organizing, organizing, organizing for Cub Scouts this week. I should be almost ready for tomorrow's meeting.

- Attended Bug's 3rd grade program. I have some great video, but unfortunately it won't load on here. It was quite enjoyable; cute and sweet. Bug did a great job during his monologue, only stumbling over the word Specific. Here are a few snap shots:

I'm not sure why he was sticking out his tongue. I can only imagine it was directed at his sister sitting next to me.

This is only half of the 3rd grade classes. The other half performed an hour earlier.

I'll leave you with a final thought for the week, the best pick line that I have ever heard (and not from J): Would you feel just as comfortable backpacking in Costa Rica as you would watching movies on the couch?

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